





A literature review summarizes and critically analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of research on a topic or research question. 写一篇文献综述, 你首先要收集和阅读关于这个主题的研究. 然后你总结这项研究的具体问题, 假设, 分析方法, 和结论. The best literature reviews then analyze the existing research by drawing conclusions about what parts of it are most valuable and important, 以及未来的研究如何才能对该领域产生最大的影响.

文献综述可以独立存在,也可以作为大型论文的一部分. “Stand alone” literature reviews are useful for bring the reader up to speed on the state of the art of research. 大多数研究项目, 比如你可能被分配的研究论文或论文, 同时包含文献综述. Here the purpose is to demonstrate to the reader the specific areas in which your project contributes to or builds upon existing research.


Many find the word “literature” confusing in this context because they associate literature with great works of fiction or poetry. 文献综述是对某一主题或研究问题的知识状况的总结. So the relevant “literature” consists of publications that contribute to existing knowledge on the topic or question.

文献综述也不是展示你主要论点的地方, 你的假设, 你的数据, 你的发现, 或者你的结论. 重点是总结和评估关于你的主题的现有研究.

用于政治科学或公共管理方面的文献综述, 你最有可能在书中找到相关文献, 发表在学术或政策期刊上的文章, 或者研究论文. 你不太可能在其他类型的出版物中找到最前沿的研究, 所以一般来说要避免报纸和杂志上的文章, 评论, many government publications (unless they are works of legitimate research sponsored or carried out by a government agency), 大多数网页. Of course you should ensure that the specific assignment you are preparing is consistent with the advice offered here; when the two conflict, 咨询你的导师.


那么你在哪里找到文献呢? 在互联网搜索引擎中输入几个关键词是很有诱惑力的. 这很可能是对时间的不合理利用. 它将生成到许多网页的链接, 但很少有上述类型的研究文献.


最有效的方法是“滚雪球”法. 在这里,你首先为你的文献综述确定一个或多个出版物. Textbooks for your current or previous classes are often a good way to find at least a few sources for your literature review. 教科书通常引用某一主题中最有影响力和最重要的著作. So find the section of the text that discusses the topic or question that is the subject of your literature review. 仔细阅读脚注,并获取那里引用的来源的副本.

一旦你有了一些资源,重复这个过程. 大多数这些来源应该有一个简短的文献综述. You can mine the sources cited in the footnotes in these literature reviews for additional important sources.

找到一本书或一篇文章的文献评论部分可能会非常困难. 很少有作者把“文献回顾”这一节写进去.有些人不愿意详细地直接批评(从而引用)早期的作品. Others avoid including lengthy literature reviews so that they will have more space to make a new contribution to the stream of research. One method for finding the literature review section is to look for a section or paragraph that highlights the novel contribution that the book or article makes to existing knowledge. Typically at about this point the author will cite other work in the field that you will want to read for your review. 在文章中, this is likely to occur in 介绍 or the first full section; in a book, 文献综述可能会在前言中, 介绍, 或者是第一章. 注意,在这一点上,没有必要阅读整本书或整篇文章. 现在,您只是在挖掘源以获取额外的源.


Books will be a very important source for your literature review in most fields in political science and public administration. Here I want to give you a few tips on how to search online library catalogues to find relevant books. Note that for a scholarly literature review you are best served by working in a university library; local or municipal libraries are unlikely to hold many of the research books that you want.

大多数图书馆目录允许您按作者、关键字、标题等搜索图书. 这些搜索字段很简单,操作方式类似于搜索引擎. 也许最有价值但最少使用的搜索字段是“主题”。. 所有的书都有一个或多个它们所涵盖的主题. 关于这个主题的文献综述的有用之处在于,一旦你找到一本关于这个主题的书, 你可以很容易地搜索到同一主题的所有其他书籍.

下面是一个使用图书馆目录的例子. Let’s imagine that the topic of your is the relationship is the creation of the European Union’s single currency. 通过雪球法,你已经确定了这本书(詹姆斯一世). 沃尔什 欧洲货币一体化与国内政治(2000)可能与你的评论相关. 你在图书馆的目录中查找这本书,结果如下:




欧洲货币一体化 & 国内政治:英国、法国和意大利/詹姆斯一世. 沃尔什.


科罗拉多州博尔德. : Lynne Rienner出版社,2000.





 HG3943 .W34 2000      




HG3943 .W34 2000


x, 182 p. :病了. ; 24 cm.


包括参考书目(p. 169-175)和指数.














1555878237 (hard: walk. 纸)

注意底部的“主题”标题. 这些都是本书符合条件的主题分类. 最后一个标题——“经济与货币联盟”——似乎与您的工作最相关. 如果你点击这个,它会弹出一个主题的链接以及条目的数量.e. 其他的书)属于这个标题. Clicking on this link will bring up a list of all the titles that the library holds on this subject heading.


You can now look through this list to identify additional books that will be of interest to you for the literature review. Note that many of these books will have similar call numbers and be shelved together in the same section of the library. 所以你可能想去图书馆看看, 找到存放这些作品的架子, 快速浏览它们,确定哪些书是你需要的,哪些书是你不需要的.

You may also want to search the catalogs of other university libraries that have larger collections of books. 藏书特别丰富的图书馆包括 美国国会图书馆哈佛大学 (点击HOLLIS目录的链接),以及 耶鲁大学. 如果你发现一本我们图书馆没有的书,你可以通过我们的图书馆申请借阅. 请注意,馆际互借图书通常需要一周或更长时间才能到达, 所以一定要在你的论文到期前搜索其他图书馆的目录.


学术期刊上的文章是你复习文献的另一个重要来源. 阿特金斯图书馆订阅了允许你搜索文章和, 在大多数情况下, 下载你找到的文章的全文.

该库经常更改其订阅的数据库, so it is more difficult to give precise instructions about how to search for articles than for books. 在这里,我将重点介绍一些一般的技巧. 你应该向研究馆员咨询更具体的问题. 请注意,要访问这些数据库, 你必须使用校园内的电脑, 或者远程登录到图书馆的服务器.

图书馆按主题类别或按字母顺序组织其数据库. 最有可能与你的搜索相关的类别包括非洲研究, 政府及法律, 政治科学, 公共管理, 及公共政策. Clicking on these links will bring you to a web page that lists all of the relevant article databases to which the library subscribes.

Many of these databases mix the scholarly journals that you want to search with other publications such as newspapers and magazines. 你怎么知道什么是学术期刊,什么不是? Some databases allow you to restrict your search to “scholarly” or “peer reviewed” journals; if so, 选择此选项. You may also want to ask your instructor for a list of the most important journals that cover your topic, 或者某个特定的出版物是否适合你的文献综述.


谷歌Scholar是一个新的、有价值的查找相关作品的工具. 它包括书籍、学术文章、未发表的研究论文和其他来源. You might be able to find sources here that do not appear in our library’s catalog and article databases.

最好从b谷歌Scholar开始 高级搜索. 这允许你搜索关键字和短语, 消除包含特定单词的结果, 把你的搜索限制在特定的日期.


一旦你找到了相关的学术文献,你应该如何回顾它? 一般来说,按作品或时间顺序回顾文学作品是一个坏主意. 大多数这样的评论都太长了. 它们也很无聊.

一个更好的整理文献的方法是,我称之为思想流派. Here you group the existing literature by some criteria and discuss each of these schools of thought. 例如,文学可能会陷入不同的理论传统. 或者在不同的出版物中使用的方法可能在重要方面有所不同. 或者文献可能是针对不同的研究问题, 或者为同一个研究问题提供不同的答案.

Organizing your literature review by schools of thought has a number of advantages over other approaches. 这意味着你可能不需要详细讨论每一个被引用的作品. 相反,你可以总结这些作品共有的元素. It is much more interesting to read a review organized in this way than one organized by each work or chronologically. 一个流派的文学评论也更容易写. 原因是你可以, 至少一开始是这样, 通过分析每个学派的问题,将其视为自己的迷你文献综述, 方法, 和结论. You are less likely to be overwhelmed by the need to summarize many disparate research publications if you organize your work in this way. Organizing by schools of thought also makes it a bit easier to decide how future research can be conducted in a way that best contributes to our collective knowledge of a topic or research question.

所有的文献综述必须恰当地引用它所讨论和分析的研究. This is particularly important in literature reviews because your reader many be interested not only in what you write about the existing work on a topic, 但也可能需要使用你的参考文献列表来开始更详细地调查这个主题.


为了让事情更具体,让我举一个最近一篇论文中的例子. 下面是第一段:

                                     什么时候政策的失败会导致决策者改变或替换 it? 政策失败如何影响后续政策的形式和内容? 三个流派的研究解决了这些问题.

因此,这段话提醒读者的研究问题的动机,整篇文章, 我要回顾一下现有的研究对这个问题的看法, 我把这项研究分成了三个思想流派.

本文将这些思想流派称为问责制、观念和垃圾桶方法. 每所学校, 我首先确定学校内部的工作是如何回答研究问题的, 然后找出我认为这所学校的差距或弱点. The purpose is to set the stage for the subsequent section’s discussion of how these weaknesses and gaps can be resolved more satisfactorily. Note that the discussion of each school of thought is in effect a miniature literature review of those works, 引文将许多作品结合在一起,而不是按顺序或时间顺序排列.

借用自UNCC的James 沃尔什