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学生的机会 and Departmental Resources

Internships:  The Department participates in internships for students to explore the field of criminal justice. The internship allows students to gain "real-work" experiences which can help them secure jobs in the field following graduation. Many students are offered jobs by their placement agencies during or immediately following the completion of their internship. Notable internships have included placements with the Organization of American States, the U.S.法警署,美国联邦调查局.S. 海关总署, 联邦国务院, 海军犯罪调查局, 联邦执法培训中心, 以及印第安纳州警察.                                                                                               

Crime Lab:  The crime lab provides opportunities for students to see how evidence obtained in the field is identified and/or analyzed. The crime lab allows "hands on" experience with forensic laboratory techniques at 24 work stations.

学生参加bc菠菜导航会议:  Students routinely accompany faculty members to professional conferences where the students have an opportunity to visit and tour local criminal justice agencies, to meet students from other criminology and criminal justice departments, and to hear criminology and criminal justice faculty members from Indiana State University and other universities present papers. Our graduate students themselves routinely present scholarly papers at national conferences.

bc菠菜导航课程:  In addition to its regular curriculum, the department offers a variety of symposia to address special needs and interests in the field. Such courses have included "Satanic Cults and Hate Groups,“连环杀人犯和大规模杀人犯。,“家庭法则:丈夫。, Wives, 家长与孩子,“刑事司法系统中的妇女。," "Minorities in the Criminal Justice System,”“执行环境法,”“比较刑法,《bc菠菜导航》,"吸毒、酗酒和犯罪,《bc菠菜导航》和《bc菠菜导航》."

Journals: The Department of 犯罪学与刑事司法 is proud to host or support three prestigious journals. Dr. Mark Hamm serves as associate editor for Crime Media Culture: An 国际 Journal ( which focuses on crime, media, and culture. Dr. David Polizzi is the editor of The Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Criminology ( which focuses on connecting theory to practice.

Conferences: The Department hosts periodic seminars and conferences on a variety of topical issues. We are also pleased to host the annual 国际 Crime, Media & Popular Culture Studies Conference: A Cross Disciplinary Exploration each year. Authors, researchers, and students from around the world meet to discuss the effect of media and culture on crime and society.

Faculty:  Many of our faculty members have worked in the criminal justice field and are able to weave both theory and practice into their classroom presentations. Several of our faculty members have been elected to offices in state, regional, 以及全国性的bc菠菜导航协会. Some faculty have research grants which allow students to work on field research projects. One of our faculty members has gained a national reputation as a writer and has won a number of awards for his publications. Our faculty have served as consultants to the National Institute of Justice, 联邦监狱局, 联邦选举委员会, the U.S. Navy, Army, 和空军, the National Highway Traffic Safety 政府, the Private Detectives' Association ofSpain, 印第安纳州警察局, 阿拉巴马州公路巡警, 印第安纳州惩教署, 印第安纳州交通部, 全国治安官协会, 印第安纳州治安官协会, 印第安纳州警察局长协会, 印第安纳州验尸官培训委员会, the IndianaCampus Law Enforcement Administrators Association, the Indiana Association of Community Corrections Act Counties, 哈德逊研究所, and numerous criminal justice agencies of local government.

国际研究 and Students:  The Department participates with the University of Zagreb in a joint study program. American students have opportunities to study in Croatia, and Croatian students study on the campus of ISU. The faculty of the Department of 犯罪学与刑事司法 has opportunities to teach in the criminology program at the University of Zagreb. The Department has always had a significant enrollment of international students from countries as diverse as Saudi Arabia, Oman, 阿拉伯联合酋长国, Qatar, Malaysia, China, Japan, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Mexico,Venezuela, France, Italy, 德国和加拿大. These international students are often practitioners who have taken professional leaves of absence to pursue degrees in the United States. Their presence in the classroom enriches the experience of American students by exposing them to other cultures, 其他刑事司法制度, 以及其他关于法律和正义的观点. Our international alumni include an assistant superintendent of police in Sabah Province, Malaysia; the assistant to the governor of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; the associate warden of a major prison in Lagos, Nigeria; a professor at the Venezuelan national military academy; and many senior police officers in Saudi Arabia, Oman, and Malaysia.



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