Faculty Ombudsperson

Welcome from the Faculty Ombudsperson

Thank you for visiting! My name is Lisa Phillips. 我很荣幸担任国际滑联的教务主任. I joined ISU in 2003 and am currently Associate Professor in the Department of History. My role as faculty ombuds allows me to draw on my experience with faculty governance, my expertise in the history of class, 性别, 和种族, and my interest in ensuring that faculty members have access to all resources available.  我决心帮助国际滑联以最好的方式为全体教员服务.

请不要犹豫,直接使用右边的信息与我联系.  I am able to communicate via e-mail, schedule phone calls, or set up individual meetings, 如何保护你的隐私. 我也很乐意参观贵校, 部门, 委员会, or other group to share information and answer questions about the resources provided by this office. I welcome the opportunity to serve you and the larger ISU community in this capacity.

Please take a moment to explore the information and resources below for more information about the role and functions of an ombuds. 在某种程度上, 你会发现我努力提供一个机密, 公正的, 非正式的, and independent environment in which faculty feel comfortable discussing their questions and 担忧. I thank Dr. 凯莉·鲍尔(Carrie Ball)是国际州立大学的第一位教员监察长,她为此树立了榜样.  我会尽我最大的努力跟随她的领导,回应老师们的关注.

有关本办事处运作方式的详细说明,请参阅 Faculty Ombuds Charter 文档. 

What is the role of a faculty ombuds?

My major role is to provide free support and guidance for faculty regarding workplace questions, 担忧, or disputes.  This includes:

  • 秘密地讨论一系列问题, including alleged actions, 遗漏, improprieties, and/or broader systemic problems
  • Listening to 担忧, clarifying issues, and proposing a range of options for resolution
  • Providing information about University 政策, procedures, practices, and resources.
  • 帮助教师在他们的具体情况下确定最佳的行动方案

My involvement and guidance in any given situation is tailored to the dynamics of the situation and the needs of the visitor(s).

A second important role of the faculty ombuds is to report general trends throughout the organization without disclosing confidential communications.  This includes:

  • 向大学管理层提供趋势反馈, 模式, 政策, 对大学的程序产生关注或冲突
  • 在适当的时候对政策、程序和系统提出变更建议
  • Serving as an information, communication, and dispute resolution resource or consultant to the broader University community when appropriate 

What can I expect if I meet with you?

I strive to do the following:

  • 秘密地倾听并公正地讨论你的担忧.
  • 帮助您定位和了解相关大学, 大学, 以及部门的政策和程序
  • 帮助你识别和评估解决工作场所问题的选择
  • Help you locate information or obtain answers to questions that you might feel uncomfortable asking for yourself
  • 鼓励大学关系和有效的解决人际问题
  • Facilitate conversations between you and others, if all parties agree it 五月 be beneficial
  • 向你推荐合适的大学资源、服务或项目
  • 赋予你追求职业潜能的能力
  • 监测整个大学的趋势,并在需要时倡导系统变革

What I do not do:

  • 提供心理咨询服务
  • Offer legal advice
  • 建立、更改或执行政策或程序
  • Make decisions or findings of fact, determine “fault,” or participate in grievance proceedings


作为国际申诉专员协会(IOA)成员, 我的工作遵循四条重要的道德原则.  更多的信息可以在下面找到,或者通过查看 IOA Ethical Principles or IOA Standards of Practice 文档.


与Ombuds的沟通是保密的,不记录在案.  This includes:

  • 是否有人见过监察员
  • The identity of a visitor
  • 访问者关注的内容以任何方式可以识别访问者

的Ombuds 五月 share identifiable information if the visitor gives specific permission to do so and the Ombuds deems the sharing of information to be helpful in resolving a concern.  For example, 如果访客想让Ombuds促进与第三方的对话, 可能有必要披露某些可识别信息. In such situations, the Ombuds will exercise discretion and will not disclose information the visitor wishes to keep confidential.

的Ombuds is required 根据监察专员的判断,在有机密信息时披露机密信息:

  • 对任何人造成严重伤害的迫在眉睫的危险
  • 涉嫌虐待儿童或有危险的成年人
  • 法庭命令:要求披露此类信息的法庭命令


的Ombuds advocates for fairness, 股本, 客观地对待所有人和所有问题. Thus, the Ombuds:

  • 公正地考虑各方的权益
  • 寻求公平和相互同意的解决办法
  • 通过代表或支持任何一方来避免偏袒
  • Avoids involvement and refers visitors elsewhere in situations in which there 五月 be a real or perceived conflict of interest


的Ombuds operates independently from other organizational entities and is not part of the formal reporting structure of the University. This means that the Ombuds:

  • 是否及如何参与某项事务有独立裁量权
  • 操作时不考虑干扰, retaliation, 或者控制办公室以外的人
  • Has access to all individuals and information necessary to resolve a matter (except where prohibited by law or University policy)

用于行政目的和对监察员办公室的评价, the Ombuds reports jointly to the Provost and the Chairperson of Faculty Senate; however, even those individuals do not control or interfere in operations of the Office and do not have access to information that is confidentially disclosed to the Ombuds.


的Ombuds is meant to supplement—not replace—formal channels within the University.  This means that:

  • 与监察员的会面完全是自愿的,不能作为工作的一部分, or a pre-requisite to, any other process (e.g., prior to filing a grievance)
  • 监察员不调查、仲裁或参与任何正式程序
  • 监察专员无权对事实或错误进行调查, and cannot make, 改变, 拨出, 或者执行政策或行政决策.

的Ombuds does not maintain formal records other than basic information used to identify 模式 and trends within the University.  任何关于特定情况的记录都会被销毁.

FAQ’s about the Ombuds Office


在你第一次拜访时,我通常会要求留出60-90分钟.  I will first give a very brief overview of the purpose of the Ombuds and the four Standards of Practice and answer any questions you have about the office.  下一个, I will ask you to voluntarily give me some basic information about yourself that I can use to keep track of 模式 and trends.  如果你愿意,你可以自由地拒绝分享这些信息.

之后, I strive to create a safe environment in which you feel comfortable discussing your questions and 担忧.  My goal is for you to feel heard, 理解, 并在会议结束时提供了帮助, 你的问题是否已经解决.  I aim to offer you the resources and information that will be most helpful for you in pursuing your chosen course of action.  In addition, you are welcome to return or follow up with me as needed until your problem has been resolved to the extent possible. 

What kinds of things could we discuss?

I am willing to discuss any question or concern that affects your work as a faculty member.  Some common issues that arise include:

  • 职场欺凌、无礼和人际冲突
  • Reappointment, promotion, and tenure proceedings at the Department, 大学, and University levels
  • 教学的条件和过程(e).g.、重新委任临时兼职教师)及非教学(例如.g.(任命项目协调员)任命决定
  • 资源分配的政策和程序(例如.g., travel money, graduate assistants)
  • 关于在学院或大学级别提出申诉的问题

Is what I tell you confidential?

是的.  Even my direct reports do not have access to the identity of those who meet with me or to any identifiable information we discuss.  Whether or not you have met with me and anything we might discuss will be held in confidence unless you give me specific permission to share it. 

There are three important situations in which I cannot keep information confidential:

  • 当我认为某人面临严重伤害的迫在眉睫的危险时
  • 当我怀疑有人虐待儿童或有危险的成年人时
  • When compelled by court order

Can you help me file a grievance?

I can help you:

  • 决定提出申诉对你来说是否是正确的决定.g., discuss pros/cons/alternatives)
  • Understand what elements are necessary to include, should you choose to file a grievance
  • Locate the appropriate forms and 政策 and answer questions as you prepare your initial grievance
  • 阅读你所写的内容,并作为中立的观察者提供反馈


  • Help you make a stronger argument
  • 对申诉过程中会发生的事情做出任何保证
  • Participate in a formal process at any stage, such as by being a witness or formal mediator
  • Advocate on your behalf or offer guidance once you have initiated a formal grievance

Do you work for the University?  Who do you report to?

我是被大学聘用并任命为这个职位的.  For administrative purposes, I report jointly to the Provost and the Chairperson of Faculty Senate; however, even they do not control or interfere with how I fulfill my responsibilities or have access to information that is confidentially shared with me. 


Formal Grievance 资源

Informal Conflict Resolution 资源

Conflict Resolution Tools

Mental Health 资源

Please check back frequently.  网页的这一部分仍在开发中.

联系 Information

Lisa Phillips, PhD
电子邮件: ISU-faculty-ombuds@casabo.net
Stalker Hall, Room 321