



的 program in 历史 offers undergraduates a broad liberal arts foundation that deepens their knowledge and understanding of the world, 激发对当代社会的有效参与, and cultivates deep-thinking skills required for success in a wide range of employment areas or graduate study.  历史研究的回报包括训练有素的智力, 丰富的想象力, and a recognition of both the unity and diversity of the human experience.

主修课程和辅修课程都包括调查, 方法论课程, 加上美国选修课, 欧洲, 和世界历史.  Relatively small class sizes enable students to work one-on-one with talented and dedicated faculty members.  We also actively cooperate with other departments in offering cross-listed courses in 非洲和非裔美国人研究, 政治科学, 及性别研究.  历史bc菠菜导航的学生s and minors are encouraged to consider the University's 荣誉项目 and study abroad programs, which range from summer programs to a single semester or a full academic year in dozens of countries.  有许多活动和组织可供选择, 提供与其他学生和bc菠菜导航人士互动的机会, including the 历史俱乐部 and α 的ta (the National Honor Society in 历史).

的 历史bc菠菜导航的学生 is a 42 credit program that combines six core courses with eight upper-level electives.  学生 receive training in 历史 as a field of study and complete extensive coursework in American, 欧洲, 和世界历史.    


的 历史小 is a 21 credit program featuring three core courses and four upper-level electives.  的 program’s flexibility allows students to combine the minor with almost any other major at ISU.



的 历史系 is committed to providing its students with a wide range of opportunities, 无论是在教室里还是在教室外, 促进学术发展, 促进准时毕业, 开创成功的事业.  有挑战性的课程, 激励的讨论, 充满活力的学生组织, 演讲嘉宾, 实地考察旅行, 和社交聚会都丰富了历史系学生在ISU的经历.


联席总裁 麦迪逊Shirar mshirar@sycamores.casabo.net
联席总裁 安德鲁输出信号 afouts@sycamores.casabo.net
Co-Vice总统 Kierstin教育 kschooling@sycamores.casabo.net
Co-Vice总统 克莱尔·冯·德伦 cvondeylen@sycamores.casabo.net
财务主管 哈雷伯克 hburke5@sycamores.casabo.net
秘书 埃文Kreil ekreil@sycamores.casabo.net
社交媒体 艾玛·彭宁顿 epennington2@sycamores.casabo.net
外展 基弗洗澡 kbathe@sycamores.casabo.net
内阁成员 Zinyetta摩根 zmorgan5@sycamores.casabo.net
内阁成员 Arieonna奥多姆 aodom@sycamores.casabo.net
内阁成员 科林·吉姆 cwetzel1@sycamores.casabo.net



α 的ta

作为全国历史荣誉学会, α 的ta promotes the study of the past through the encouragement of research, 良好的教学, 历史学家之间的学术和思想的出版和交流.  该组织试图吸引学生, teachers and writers of history together for intellectual and social exchanges, which promote and assist historical research and publication by our members in a variety of ways.  ISU的章, Upsilon极微小每年春天,美国都会吸纳新成员. 


Sandy - senior - daer和Keith - daer出国留学奖学金

嘘/ AFRI / 上交所

To provide students pursuing a major or minor in the 历史系 or a 社会研究及教育 degree with financial resources to enhance their academic and cultural learning at ISU through travel experiences, 包括留学.  有一学期的海外学习经历者优先考虑.  Established in 2020 by alumna Sandy Senior-Dauer and her husband, Keith Dauer. 

ISU President's Dinner Recognition of Sandy Senior-Dauer and Keith Dauer (Novemeber 2021) 


STEVEN D. 津克在历史研究方面表现优异

This award recognizes an undergraduate 历史bc菠菜导航的学生 or minor in good academic standing who has demonstrated excellence in historical analysis and effective communication.  的 use of innovative methods and emerging technologies to achieve these aims is especially encouraged.  由校友Steven D. 辛克.



嘘/ AFRI / 上交所

的 Career Development in 历史 Fund supports undergraduate students in good academic standing seeking experiences or training prior to graduation likely to facilitate progress toward their career goals (e.g. internships, conferences, training in new technologies, intensive language study, travel, etc.). 任何历史, 非洲和非裔美国人研究, 或社会研究教育主修或副修均可申请.  Awards are generally distributed on a reimbursement basis at the completion of proposal-related activities.



嘘/ 上交所

Consideration for this non-renewable scholarship shall be given to full-time ISU students who demonstrate great promise as a history teacher and/or scholar, according to the following criteria:  1) Recipients shall be pursuing a major in the 历史系 or the history concentration for teaching majors; 2) Recipients shall have achieved junior status [63-93 hours] at the time of the award and have completed 15 academic hours in history; 3) Recipients shall have, 和维护, 最少3个.他们的bc菠菜导航平均成绩是5分,3分.1累计平均4.0 scale; 4) Recipients shall be prepared to enroll in at least six academic hours of history during the scholarship year.  Established in 2000 by Edward and Joanne Spann to honor the memory of their son, Bryant.




To provide scholarship funds to a student at Indiana State University whose academic standing and ability merit financial assistance. 历史bc菠菜导航优先. 为纪念弗雷德E. Brengle, 1927-1957年社会研究教授.



嘘/ 上交所 / AFRI /研究生

Given by the Fort Harrison Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) to an ISU student (graduate or undergraduate) who has demonstrated knowledge and interest in United States history or related area. 成立于1986年.


约翰,卡尔.、MARK E. Vukusich纪念奖学金

才有资格获得这个奖项, 本科学生必须是历史bc菠菜导航,GPA不低于3分.0,并表现出经济需要.  1997年由Mark E. Vukusich, 家庭成员, 以及其他纪念约翰·乌库西奇和卡尔·尤金·乌库西奇的活动, 承认他们对历史的热爱, 在他们看来,是什么提供了定义过去的权力, 解释现在, 预测未来.



嘘/ 上交所和ECON

的 Richard and Margaret Gemmecke Memorial Award will be presented to an outstanding 历史 or 社会研究及教育 major one year, 然后成为一名优秀的经济学bc菠菜导航学生.  为了纪念Richard Gemmecke而建立的, 他从1947年到1973年在国际州立大学担任历史教授, 文理学院的首任院长, 以及负责学术事务的副校长助理.



嘘/ 上交所

的 Harr Award is presented to an undergraduate student who has completed 63 hours with at least four history courses of which at least one must be at the 300/400 level.  Established in 1987 in memory of Nellie Margreta Harr by her husband and children.




Awarded to a student enrolled in the 非洲和非裔美国人研究 Program. 这个奖项是为了纪念李博士而设立的. Wesley Lyda, a valued faculty member of the 非洲和非裔美国人研究 department.


FranÇois muyumba奖学金


Awarded to an 非洲和非裔美国人研究 student with a cumulative GPA of 2.7或以上. 这个奖项是为了纪念李博士而设立的. 弗朗索瓦Muyumba, distinguished faculty member of the 非洲和非裔美国人研究 department.




